Date: 2020- 6-15 Receipt : ${EMS_M_NAME} ${field1} cc: Secrerary From: (사)주한글로벌기업대표이사협회 [G-CEO] 제목 : Announcement of July Participation - G-CEO Golf Club
Dear ${EMS_M_NAME} ${field1}
The [G-CEO] invites full and non-members' Country Managers as follows: We are going to hold the 2nd G-CEO Golf Tournament and Friendship Golf Tournament in 2020. After the golf event, we'll have dinner with all the participants. Taking the time to candidly share management difficulties caused by Corona19, we will collect and organize the difficulties and accept proposals and grievance handling in the investment policy department of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
2020-07 ( G-CEO Golf Club Golf Rounding)
Date : July 8th. (Wed.), 2020 (Start Time, 13pm) Place : Siheung City - Salt Bay CC (May be changed to another cc near Seoul depending on circumstances.) http://saltbay.co.kr/ Participate:Foreign-invested enterprises in Korea Country Manager ( GM,MD,President)
Estimated field cost per person: scheduled between 120,000 won and 150,000 won (individual field credit card payment)
After Dinner Party : : Restaurant scheduled near cc
Application and inquiry : [G-CEO] the Secretary-General , 02-3452-8603 , admin@g-ceo.org
How to Apply: Reply to E-mail When replying, please write it down below and reply. Participant company name: Name of CEO participating: Representative email address: CEO's mobile phone number: Motives and wishes for participation:
Best Regards / End
Global Enterprise CEO Association in Korea [G-CEO] Representative Justin Park (RichTech Korea / CEO ) Omission of Corporate Seal