G-CEO GOLF CULB 2020-June Meeting Sketch
작성일 :  2020-06-15 02:44 이름 : 김종철
폰트확대 폰트축소

G-CEO GOLF CULB 2020-June Meeting Sketch

On June 10 (Wed.) [G-CEO] of the Global Enterprise CEOs' Association in Korea successfully held a golf tournament for the G-CEO at the Salt Bay CC in Siheung.

The victory was won by Park Soon-gu, CEO of Richtek Korea, and an award ceremony was held at the dinner after the event, and a two-person meal ticket and a plaque were awarded at Four Seasons Hotel sponsored by Mireeset Daewoo.
 We have appointed Lee Dae-im, CEO of Milliken Korea, as the president of the G-CEO Golf Club.

Milliken Korea is a global specialty  chemicals company that manufactures and sells materials such as fireproof carpets, fire suits, and special work clothes.
Also, Kim Soo-chul, CEO of Crebiz Co., Ltd., was appointed as the executive secretary of the golf club, a professional event company that deals with international and domestic travel events and souvenirs. Next Wednesday, July 8th, we will lay the foundation for a more solid golf meeting and at the same time for the development of the G-CEO Association.CEO Kim Soo-chul said that it will become a representative small group.

Key participants include:

Bang Ha-nam, an adviser - former Minister of Employment and Labor 
CEO Kim Kyung - Synergy Care Korea (medical equipment, insurance, etc.)
CEO Park Soon-gu - Richtech Korea (semiconductor)
CEO Kim Jong-se - Araymond Korea (Automobile Parts)
Hong Kyung Pyo, CEO - Dandy Korea (ERP Software)
Lawyer Ryu Sung-hyun - Tax Law Specialist from the National Tax Service 
President Kim Soo-chul - Crebiz (event, souvenirs, travel, etc.)
CEO Lee Dae-im - Milliken Korea (textile such as carpets)
CEO Lee Seung-soo - Infineon Technologies Korea
(Semiconductor solutions, microcontroller, etc.)
President Park Sung-jin - Atos Korea (IT Service)
President Kang Yoon-chul - CoolBitX
President Kwak Myung-soo - Robit Korea

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