G-CEO Chairman Cup Friendship Golf Tournamen
작성일 :  2020-05-18 12:23 이름 : 김종철
첨부파일 : BBS_FILEnotice.pdf
폰트확대 폰트축소

Sub.  2020-06 ( G-CEO Chairman Cup Friendship Golf Tournament )

Dear , Country Manager

The most important thing seems to be health care at a time when the global economic downturn and the domestic economy are also very difficult due to the aftermath of Covid19.

Due to the social distance policy, offline events have been canceled and postponed for nearly five months, and regular meeting events by Country Managers have not been held, so they are very disappointed.

In response, the G-CEOs invites as follows:

We would like to hold the first G-CEO President Cup Friendship Golf Tournament in 2020. After the golf event, we'll have a time to share with everyone who participated in the dinner party the management difficulties of Corona 19 have and  We plan to organize the difficulties and the proposal and grievance handling to the investment policy department of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.






Follows -

( G-CEO Chairman Cup Friendship Golf Tournament )

Date : June 10th. , 2020  (Start Time, 13pm)
Place : Near Seoul - Hwaseong  or  Yongin CC

Participate:  Foreign-invested enterprises in Korea , Country Manager ( GM,MD,President)
After Dinner Party :  Restaurant scheduled near Yangjae IC
Application and inquiry : [G-CEO] the Secretary-General   /   admin@g-ceo.org ,  02-3452-8603

Way of Entry : Reply by e mail 
When replying, you can write it down below and reply.

Company Name :
Country Manager`s Name:
Country Manager`s e mail address: 
Country Manager`s Mobile Number: 

Motivation and Desire:




 Best Regards / End. 




Global Enterprise CEO Association [G-CEO]     President
Jstin Park  (Richtek Korea / President ) 
  ( Omission / Corporate Seal )

The jurisdiction of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in Korea
Global Enterprise CEO Association in Korea
 [G-CEO Executive Office] 129, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (Nonhyeon-dong, Geopyeong Town No. 823)
Tel: 02-3452-8603, e-mail: admin@g-ceo.org 


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